My daughter’s kindergarten class had a medieval theme project and each needed to write a story within the theme. At first I thought they all did the same story but some kids wrote about princes and dragons, others about different kinds of princesses. This is what my daughter Elsa wrote and once I read it, …
Cooking at Home: The Missing Link

Whether this is the first post you have read in this blog or you have been following it for a while, it’s safe to say that you have concluded that I like to cook. This is true but I didn’t always feel this way. Although I enjoyed cooking on special occasions, it has only been …
Sugarcane and Magic

I wish I had more time to write. I have so many posts swirling in my head at all times. I write and rewrite them over and over in my mind but rarely do I have a moment I can sit down and compose them. Often I have to jot them in spurts on paper… …
Monsoon Diary

I stumbled upon this gem of a book in the cooking section of my local library. It wasn’t a cookbook exactly, it was a memoir interspersed with recipes. The memoir was by Shoba Narayan, a woman who grew up in India and I was intrigued enough to check it out. It has been a while …
Love Yourself Healthy

I think a lot about love — love is what keeps me going day after day: love for my children, for my sweetheart, for creativity, love for life. As for love for myself, well I have that but it seems that it’s like the left over crusts of bread after a great meal instead of …
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