Above: Image from the Underdog cartoon. [Source] I have always believed in supporting the underdog. Perhaps I have identified too much with the David and Goliath story or maybe it is because in many ways I have often been the underdog. For whatever reason, I gravitate towards those who need more help, to goals that …
50 Shades of Black

Featured Image: School children in the Dominican Republic demonstrate the range of skin tones present in that country. [Source] Sorry to disappoint, but this post has nothing to do with the book or subsequent movie of the similar name. Just a shameless ploy I am afraid, using the play on words to get your attention. …
Lure of Consumption

The Christmas season approaches and, even more importantly for some, the Black Friday shopping frenzy. We have all heard of the phenomenon of people waiting in line for hours even days for the best deals, rushing in like a stampede of bulls into the store, angrily staking claim to the discounted items they simply must …
The Age of Kali

Above: Kali, the Hindu goddess of destruction. [Source] Last week we had an election here in the United States, one which was a resounding defeat to those with liberal sentiments (myself included) and an affirmation of conservative ones. Now let me state right off that this is not a political post. I find politics to …
Fiesta Latina in North Miami

Above: Dominican dancers in front of Alcazar de Colon (Columbus’ palace) in Santo Domingo. Last Saturday was a busy day, as Saturdays usually are. We spent the afternoon bike riding in the park after running some errands, waiting for my son to finish Science Camp. Then we loaded all the bikes on the back of …
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