This is a “Lean & Green” meal which is a term coined by this amazing food plan/lifestyle that brings your metabolism into balance and helps you achieve your optimum weight and health. I’m a health coach for this plan so if you would like more information, please contact me. Buffalo Shrimp Print Prep time …
MY DIY Weekend

The weekend I decided to tackle a problem that has been bothering me for a couple of months. The brown leather sofa we had bought second hand had started to “shed” off the leather. This is what one of the cushions looked like: I had tried patching it with tape but soon realized that I …
Coconut Shrimp Risotto

Above: Plated on steamed spinach with fresh grated Parmesan on top. Coconut Shrimp Risotto Print Prep time 15 mins Cook time 45 mins Total time 1 hour Creamy and delicious, this dish is very healthy if you use brown rice. Recipe type: Main Serves: 6 Ingredients 1½ tbsp olive oil 1 large onion …
Holiday Meals

Turkey Curry Recipe Daal Daal is a dish made with lentils. They can be brown, yellow or red. They are cooked with ginger, chili, tomato, sauteed onions. In this dish I cooked them and then pureed part of the lentils in a blender and then added them back to the rest of the mixture. The …
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