Above: Recent project, a crocheted lace curtain. Some people are compelled to race cars. Some people are driven to acquire wealth. Even others make it their life’s mission to fight for justice. As the daughter of two fine artist, I am driven by the urge to create. I grew up in a creative world, one …
My Vibrant Palette

When the cat’s away, the mouse will…crochet! Silly I know but hey it rhymes… Well I haven’t posted in the Creativity section in a while which is lapse of me. The reality is that I am always doing something creative, actually more like 2-3 things. In my youth I compared it to breathing, which now …
beast of enjoyment

there is a river of light which flows through my body and carries me past my paper thoughts and painted smiles. it leads me to the darkened wall where the silent beast of enjoyment lies. the beast, which desires all and tears the painted smiles to engage in violet heat, is only enkindled when your …
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