Above: Mold removal company truck in front of the apartment. The first day there were four of them. The last two weeks have been in upheaval and have resulted in a dramatic conclusion. But although the changes have manifested just recently, they have in fact been months, perhaps years in the making. It has been …
Not Quite Independent (Kids) — A Summer Survival Guide

On this day where we celebrate my birth nation’s independence, I am doing it alone with my two, not quite so independent kids. I have a girl 7 years old and a boy 9 years old. Both kids are near the age of independent play but still not quite there. As a parent we want …
Healthy Eating is Learned Young

It’s very interesting to watch American television with my ex, especially us both having lived outside of the U.S. for so long. I see our culture as a foreigner. So what do I see? I see dramas filled with crimes, medical conditions and dysfunctional families. I see silly comedies where the characters are uncomfortable with …
What Country Am I In?

My life in the States is like many others who are middle-income and raising children. I wake up early to get my kids on the school bus. I work hard when they are in school. After school I juggle their activities, my remaining work and dinnertime. Bedtime finally comes and after I work a little …
Jazz Under the Haitian Sun

I traveled to Haiti three times with my father — first in 1976 for 6 weeks and twice more in 1978 and 1980 for 3 months. The first trip I was overcome, starstruck, by this different land with dark faces and lots of white, smiling teeth; grabbing hands and hungry bellies. It was all so …