The weekend I decided to tackle a problem that has been bothering me for a couple of months. The brown leather sofa we had bought second hand had started to “shed” off the leather. This is what one of the cushions looked like: I had tried patching it with tape but soon realized that I …
Dosai Masala, Indian Comfort Food

Pronounced “dough-sigh” This is one of my favorite meals, a true comfort food. It is not hard to make, just takes planning to soak ahead. Dosai Masala, Indian Comfort Food Print Prep time 26 hours Cook time 40 mins Total time 26 hours 40 mins Lentil Rice Pankcakes with Potato Curry Author: CreativEliza …
Curried Lentil Soup

Lentil soup is a great winter meal. Lentils are a staple in India and they believe that eating them helps rid the body of fats. Lentil soup can be made creamy like split pea or more liquid can be added to make it brothy. Shown here served with chopped cilantro and a dollop of yogurt. …
Baked Samosas

Above: Finished samosas are really good with mango or mint chutney. When I use the oven, especially in the warmer months. I have to make use of the whole oven so I feel that heating up the house is worth it. Since I was already making the chicken today, I decided to make samosas as …
Shredded Pork Carnitas

Above: Served with warm corn tortillas, lettuce, avocado and sour cream Shredded Pork Carnitas Print Prep time 45 mins Cook time 3 hours Total time 3 hours 45 mins Suggested serving with warm corn tortillas, lettuce, avocado and sour cream. Also delicious with rice. Recipe type: Mexican Serves: 6 Ingredients 1 Pork Loin …
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