For Father’s Day we all went to see a professional baseball game, the Miami Marlins vs. the Pittsburgh Pirates. Ironically, for a person who doesn’t follow any sport and could care less about most sports in general, I have seen a surprisingly wide range of professional sporting events live. From a soccer game in Port-Au-Prince, …
Love is Worth Fighting For

Above: Abdul Hakim and Mehwish, a couple protected by the Love Commandos. [Source] We say ‘love is worth fighting for’ but how many of us would actually do it? What kind of love would we really fight for — the love of a parent, a child, a spouse or a friend? Unrequited love or long …
Love Marriage

A few months ago an Indian woman that I didn’t know asked to be my friend on Facebook. This was on my personal profile, not Amor y Sabor’s Facebook page. This happens a lot actually because of the blog and I usually accept because I consider all Facebook to be public anyway. So I accepted …
What Country Am I In?

My life in the States is like many others who are middle-income and raising children. I wake up early to get my kids on the school bus. I work hard when they are in school. After school I juggle their activities, my remaining work and dinnertime. Bedtime finally comes and after I work a little …
Arrow of the Blue-Skinned God, part 2

The Ramayana as a guidebook for love. India is a land of great love stories and epic adventures and one of the greatest is the Ramayana, an epic poem on the scale of Homer’s The Odyssey, the Ramayana tells the story of Prince Rama, destined for the throne, who was unjustly exiled from his own …
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