Summer Potato Hack

In the winter, the oven warming up the house as it bakes potatoes is comforting. In the summer, however, using the oven seems wasteful. But baked potatoes are such a versatile food. They can be eaten as a simple meal for dinner, with a variety of toppings. They have other uses than just a simple …

Teriyaki Meatballs

Teriyaki Meatballs   Print Prep time 30 mins Cook time 45 mins Total time 1 hour 15 mins   Easy to make in a crockpot Author: CreativEliza Recipe type: Entree Cuisine: Asian Serves: 4-5 Ingredients Meatballs: Ground meat of your choice (I prefer a mix of beef and pork) ⅓ cup soy sauce 2 tbsp …

MY DIY Weekend

The weekend I decided to tackle a problem that has been bothering me for a couple of months. The brown leather sofa we had bought second hand had started to “shed” off the leather. This is what one of the cushions looked like: I had tried patching it with tape but soon realized that I …

To Cook or Not to Cook

It used to be that the question of whether to cook or not to cook was never asked. This is because cooking was not optional, it was necessary for survival, at least it has been since humans evolved from eating raw meat millions of years ago. For once humans learned to cook, it changed not …

Kitchen Dreams / Kitchen Essentials

Featured Image [Source] of Rustic Kitchen As I pack for yet another move (I hate moving, who doesn’t) and I’m still a year or more away from buying a home of my own, I can’t help but fantasize on my dream kitchen. When it comes to tools and supplies, I am almost already there, as …