day 236

in dreams i travel to other countries, speaking languages i know and have yet to learn; flourishing in foreign lands, i drink in the differences, savor the similarities, and embrace all in between. 8.24.17

day 235

unearthed we shed the night’s debris incapable of meeting the day’s degree of intensity. 8.23.17

day 234

tongue tied whiskey wild i’ve imbibed to heal my throat apply a coat of slippery sleep i fall in deep. 8.22.17

solar eclipse (day 233)

the moon, gentle servant of the sun, emerges from its quarters, submissive, it pulls the tide, directs the ocean’s flow with dark, feminine energy. the sun, dominant in its heat, master of all, with power to burn, is the potent male, fierce warrior who rules us all with its consistent light. ah, but for today, …

day 232

like the grain of sand which chafes the oyster, i have become accustomed to the discomfort of change; enveloped in the unfamiliar, i must learn to grow in different soil. 8.20.17