children’s hospital (day 241)

i enter a former home my children in tow, now with different tenants; a place of comfort and disturbance, bright colors, polished steel, flickering florescence, disinfectant lingering in the air, and the chatter softly everywhere, occasionally broken by a cry. memories return of cold thermometers, freezing bed pans, blood pressure pumps, mysterious pills in plastic …

day 240

the demands of life anchor us in separate waters we tow their weight for the needs of others as well as our own. commitments cling like barnacles, encrusting us with their importance until we have forgotten why we took down our sails, turned away from the joy of the wind and remained stuck in the …

day 239

i retreat into the catacombs where light is but a memory and dark my dearest friend; in spaces tight, i huddle my knees pressing against my chest, i remain in the quiet until i can bear it no longer, resuming my journey through the maze of my own making. 8.27.17

day 238

all right now is potential suspended perfect possibility yet to arrive; so i savor as my mind dances through its meanderings between bright skies. dark clouds, and your steady hand grasping mine. 8.26.17

day 237

bustle of a friday morning, kids bedraggled by school, unfocused yet still alert; i hug the warmth of my coffee cup, counting the minutes until it’s time to go. 8.25.17