i am the hunter preventing the kill following closely all which wish to harm me, healing the wounds, some self-inflicted, all overdue. 12.16.17
day 349

weightless i float into my dreams searching for the root of the burdens i carry, returning the treasure of my innocent self so that i may grow free once again. 12.15.17 [Image Source]
day 348

results rose upon me like a roaring lion hungry to feed, and i without sustenance, to appease. but with the passage of expectant time the roar became a hum, a vibration to honor, and then dispel. 12.14.17
day 347

untold till now journeyed deep a path well worn i know the way, yet all i felt i had flown past returns again. so here i stand, with heart in hand and tears i thought were long since shed. 12.13.17 [Image Source]
day 346

when the sun begins to take its bow, i listen to the hesitant notes of my son’s playing piano, view of the horizon where sky meets sea, softest of blue, dusted with light, creased against the striated sea, calm with subtle ripples, contrasted by the yellow green of the glowing sea grass. 12.12.17
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