day 305

words perch lightly spread like branches from a tree of thought i let them settle, to consider their place amongst the phrases i intend to write. 11.1.17

day 304

all hallow’s eve cackles cry of all you fear deep inside venture out to have a scare face the dark if you dare 10.31.17

day 303

with a snap the seasons change snuggle deep into the bed sleep shows its intensity pillow welcomes resting head morning harsh, so dark & cold warm water soon wakes me up tea then heats me from inside wrap my hands around my cup with clothing long, stride that’s brisk venture out, my dog in tow …

day 302

simple bliss of sunday morn as the day slips gently in no rush to act, no urgent plan cup of tea, pajamas worn soak the softness up to feel its nourishment deep inside soon the drum will beat again when life becomes all too real. 10.29.17

Buffalo Shrimp

This is a “Lean & Green” meal which is a term coined by this amazing food plan/lifestyle that brings your metabolism into balance and helps you achieve your optimum weight and health. I’m a health coach for this plan so if you would like more information, please contact me. Buffalo Shrimp   Print Prep time …