Above: Marcos and Elsa wearing the superhero costumes I made for them. My kids have always loved dressing up. Especially as superheros. Spiderman was my son’s favorite. My kids, my son especially, always loved superheroes. Spiderman was his favorite and still is. We had many Spiderman costumes over the years. I always encouraged costumes because …
Love Your Life

Sometimes life gives you lemons and you have to make lemonade. Sometimes the unthinkable happens and you need to become unsinkable. I don’t mean to be trite but as catchy as these phrases are, sometimes you do just have to “do it”, to put one foot ahead of the other, to move on. This blog …
To Cook or Not to Cook

It used to be that the question of whether to cook or not to cook was never asked. This is because cooking was not optional, it was necessary for survival, at least it has been since humans evolved from eating raw meat millions of years ago. For once humans learned to cook, it changed not …
Moving Up not Moving On

Above: one of the beautiful trees I encounter in my neighborhood. Dear readers, it has been nearly two months since my last post. Yes I confess to these sins… Truth be told, my last post was just before my move out of Miami, up to the Northernmost town in Florida, beautiful Fernandina Beach. This move …
Becoming Role Models

Above: The boys of the 2014 5000 Role Models clue at WJ Bryan Elementary take the pledge not to do drugs, carry firearms or wear their pants below the waist. Our boys are in trouble these days, especially so if they come from poor homes, especially if their skin is dark, even a little. Too …
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