Above: The finished omelet shown here with a whole wheat english muffin and a dollop of mint chutney. As much as I love to cook and am knowledgeable about food, it still seems like it is a constant struggle to eat as healthy as possible while getting enough protein. The best way to do this …
Curried Lentil Soup

Lentil soup is a great winter meal. Lentils are a staple in India and they believe that eating them helps rid the body of fats. Lentil soup can be made creamy like split pea or more liquid can be added to make it brothy. Shown here served with chopped cilantro and a dollop of yogurt. …
Aloo Paratha (Indian Stuffed Bread)

This is a recipe for Indian Bread Stuffed with Potatoes, also called Aloo Paratha. I made this to bring to where we had Thanksgiving. It was a hit! Once again, this recipe is inspired from this book: Aloo Paratha (Indian Stuffed Bread) Print Prep time 30 mins Cook time 20 mins Total time 50 …
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