in the merry of this day we join and form family anew, loosen plans and things to do, rejoice us all come what may. 12.25.17
christmas eve (day 358)

the eve of them all when anticipation is about to rendezvous with hope, while parents lose sleep over wrapping perfect, children force their eyes to close in an act of obedience to the ticking clock. 12.24.17
Lure of Consumption

The Christmas season approaches and, even more importantly for some, the Black Friday shopping frenzy. We have all heard of the phenomenon of people waiting in line for hours even days for the best deals, rushing in like a stampede of bulls into the store, angrily staking claim to the discounted items they simply must …
xmas 92

merry christmas little darling will you sleep safe in your bed? will you let your nightmares wither as sweet dreams come fill your head? do you tiptoe in your closet when you know you’re all alone? can you look into his eyes and face the great unknown? merry christmas little darling you don’t ask for …
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