Above: The finished omelet shown here with a whole wheat english muffin and a dollop of mint chutney.
As much as I love to cook and am knowledgeable about food, it still seems like it is a constant struggle to eat as healthy as possible while getting enough protein. The best way to do this is with a recipe that achieves this while tasting great.
Almost everyone knows how healthy an egg white omelet is but as for taste it’s not so good. In the past I have scrambled a whole egg with an extra white but I have noticed that I am often not getting enough protein. So I came up with this recipe and I find that not only does it taste good but I actually love it. It feels like a comfort food and that is the way healthy food should feel.
- 3-4 liquid egg whites
- 1" cube of feta cheese (use the regular kind, not low fat which has NO taste)
- ½ cup cilantro leaves (not chopped)
- ½ tsp curry
- ½ tsp sweet paprika
- dash of cayenne
- ¼ tsp cumin
- ¼ tsp ground corriander
- salt & pepper to taste
- olive oil spray
- beat eggs in bowl with spices
- spray a non-stick pan with olive olive and heat on medium
- when hot pour in egg mixture
- after a couple of minutes, when the bottom of the omelet is cooked, crumble the feta and sprinkle the cilantro on half of the omelet
- cook more and then fold over, cooking both sides evenly