cardamon kiss thrushes thick brambles prick you clear the way. newbuds sprout tendrils root love’s born fruit with each new day. time, it tangles patience tested appeals requested rain starts to pour. ultraviolet love radiates dreams procreate worth waiting for. 12.31.11 © Eliza Alys Young
Sex Across Borders

Above: Statues at a Karma Sutra Temple in India Here is my personal experience with the three different cultures. America Our founding fathers were Puritans whose religious beliefs were restrictive to say the least. Sex was viewed as a necessary evil for propagation but sinful for any other reason, certainly not something to be enjoyed. …
A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes

A couple of days ago my daughter Elsa and I watched Cinderella for the umpteeth time. The movie begins with the song, “A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes“. And listening to the song, and the familiar story that followed, got me thinking… In our childhood we embrace the fairytale fantasy that Walt Disney …
Rama & Sita

I have been reading a lot about Hinduism of late. Perhaps it’s a way of searching for faith during a difficult time. All I know is that it give me peace to learn. Rama is my ex’s favorite god, an avatar of Vishnu. Rama is noted as an example of strict morality, pure character, and …
Tapestry of Love

When I love someone, I need to express it in a creative form. What started as a tapestry of love became a journey into Hinduism, a gift for our family and a creative experience like no other. I based the tapestry on a drawing I found online. I had sewn big projects before but never …
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