The Urge to Create

Above: Recent project, a crocheted lace curtain. Some people are compelled to race cars. Some people are driven to acquire wealth. Even others make it their life’s mission to fight for justice. As the daughter of two fine artist, I am driven by the urge to create. I grew up in a creative world, one …

Selfie or Self Obsession? Part 1

Years ago, when I was a student a Maine College of Art, majoring in graphic design and photography, I became fascinated with a genre of art called the self-portrait. Back then, the phrase “selfie” was unheard of, instead, it was a self-portrait — a representation of one’s self, whether in paint, pencil or photographic film, …

Tactile Traditions

Above: Potholder fiber art. [Source] We live in the age of the touchscreen, of the portable phone, of information at our fingertips, yet other than liking, clicking or selecting, we don’t really use our hands for much anymore. We use our fingers to press the buttons on the microwave to cook our food, perhaps even …

september eleven

rousing to a sonic boom i confuse it with the daily rumble of the traffic on canal emerging from the holland tunnel myself, wrapped in bedcovers warm rolled, regarding window view twin towers in their testament of global commerce gone askew 8:45, eyes still blurred drugged down from dark and dreamful sleep could not process …


i walked with you through the garden of uncertainty where the weeping willows sway, where the sun stays trapped in twilight — we interlocked. we waited while the armies marched, while the sirens sang, and the waves threatened to crush the rocks. we waited until the fog sliced; till the sun showed its face. we …