day 1

house holds the chill from yesterday while splashes of sun warm the grass i long to close my eyes again and dream of  days to come. 1.1.17


i am the burning red of stop before it turns to go i am the glass of wine pouring until overflows i am the moment of suspense answers yet unknown i am the dancer spinning upon bruised toes i am the siren wooing against the ebb and flow i am the dreamer seeing more than …


day begins, with coffee black; clears the cloud, of peaceful slumber. dreams of what may come to pass, slow release of hurtful past; muscles tone as i flex, the possible still unchecked. night returns, its viral beat; pulse desire, through vivid sleep. 9.3.16 [Image Source]

Raising Superheroes

Above: Marcos and Elsa  wearing the superhero costumes I made for them. My kids have always loved dressing up. Especially as superheros. Spiderman was my son’s favorite. My kids, my son especially, always loved superheroes. Spiderman was his favorite and still is. We had many Spiderman costumes over the years.  I always encouraged costumes because …

MY DIY Weekend

The weekend I decided to tackle a problem that has been bothering me for a couple of months. The brown leather sofa we had bought second hand had started to “shed” off the leather. This is what one of the cushions looked like: I had tried patching it with tape but soon realized that I …