day 318

i look for balance in the ever changing wind, seek solace in the clamor of life, rest easy that no moment is the same, sleep deeply with desires to come. 11.14.17

day 317

the wait creates tension pausing with an uncertain end, holding a pose until release, centering ones breath when urge to fidget reigns, mind wanders, spell is broken, so i try once more.  11.13.17

day 316

i’ve learned to relax in the in between when all is uncertain yet nothing is lost before joy can be welcomed but pain is long gone tethered in knowing my heart will remain 11.12.17 [Image Source]

day 315

i breath in love its light floods my veins my respiration syncs to the beat of my heart, my eyes see the color each new day brings, a gift of possibility wrapped in the sun. 11.11.17

day 314

treasure of a quiet morning alarms are silent, movement slows children dream until weary fades as coffee brews, my ink flows rhythmic scratch of the pen as the words scar the page steaming cup waiting by when the rhymes have assuaged. 11.10.17