day 323

day is crisp with strong sun which blares light without its heat slight chill prompts motion as a gentle breeze sweeps through my hair. 11.19.17

day 322

sleep, long awaited i now may embrace thee in a slow dance of slumber, growing heavy, sinking deep, i allow the rest to permeate, the dreams to populate, and my energy to rejuvenate. 11.18.17

day 321

the cold brings fire to my skin burned by the dry air, raging within a rite of passage for the season’s change i soothe the flame, but the heat remains. 11.17.17

day 320

chill in the air quickens my pace scanning for spots of sun when my walk comes to pause, pockets welcome hands to nestle inside hood shields me from snap of the breeze 11.16.17

day 319

as my children grow their roots burrow while limbs spread out to new directions leaves sprout, flowers bud from all they are becoming i watch full of joy at their multicolored selves  savoring when they turn their blooms towards me. 11.15.17