Featured Image: School children in the Dominican Republic demonstrate the range of skin tones present in that country. [Source] Sorry to disappoint, but this post has nothing to do with the book or subsequent movie of the similar name. Just a shameless ploy I am afraid, using the play on words to get your attention. …
Fiesta Latina in North Miami

Above: Dominican dancers in front of Alcazar de Colon (Columbus’ palace) in Santo Domingo. Last Saturday was a busy day, as Saturdays usually are. We spent the afternoon bike riding in the park after running some errands, waiting for my son to finish Science Camp. Then we loaded all the bikes on the back of …
Learn Another Language

Above: I borrowed this image from this Facebook profile. I wished they taught still taught Latin in all schools. When I was a kid I didn’t start learning another language until high school which was French. I chose French because as a child I had spent quite a bit of time in Haiti and as …
10 Ways: Miami | Santo Domingo

Above: Well organized signage from my local market, Presidente Floridians say Miami is not really a part of America, that in fact it really is an extension of Latin America. I have only lived in one Latin American country, the Dominican Republic, so I’m no expert, but I did live there for 8 years… Now …
The Teetering Stove

I recently had an experience here in Miami that reminded me so much of my life in the Dominican Republic that I simply have to share. As I have written about in previous posts, moving to Miami has been an adventure for many reasons but one in particular is that the house we moved into …
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