InterNations, Connecting Global Minds

Recently, Amor y Sabor was added to the InterNations community of expatriate blogs for the Dominican Republic. If you are not familiar with InterNations, I encourage you to become so, especially if you are interested in other cultures, and as a reader of this blog it is safe to say you are. InterNations connects people …


i walked with you through the garden of uncertainty where the weeping willows sway, where the sun stays trapped in twilight — we interlocked. we waited while the armies marched, while the sirens sang, and the waves threatened to crush the rocks. we waited until the fog sliced; till the sun showed its face. we …

Dominican Essentials, part 2

Dominican Words or Phrase Worth Learning This is a list of words or phrases that are commonly used in the Dominican Republic. This is by no means a complete list nor meant to be a Spanish dictionary but just some that I have found useful living here. I will add to this over time. Aguacero …

Dominican Essentials, part 1

Decoding the Dominican Republic The Finger Wag This is one of the most valuable gestures I learned for dealing with Dominicans. If you are in public and a Dominican tries to shine your shoes or sell you something, just saying “no”, shaking your head, or walking away will not work. They will follow you and …

Flying Above A Storm

After five hours of killing time in San Juan Airport, a feat which was harder than expected, it was finally time to board the flight to Santo Domingo. The contrast was immediate as soon as I stepped on to the plane — whereas the flight from Jacksonville to San Juan was basically geared to American …