this shift has been stalking from without and within, in closing then opening, letting go and drinking in i wrap myself up in all i know true and release all the crud of what later fell through 4.11.17 [Image Source]
day 100
last night i wrestled with the dragons that refused to let me sleep my lance was not strong enough to grant a reprieve 4.10.17 [Image Source]
cumberland (day 99)
i traveled to the island where wild horses roam oblivious to their fortune they have been bestowed a mansion once so splendid lay crumbled amongst the weeds a doc that welcomed yachts now broken to its knees yet in all that’s been dismantled more beauty’s since arose as nature claims this island from the emperors …
day 98
in the whirling of needs and desires we are like playing cards tossed in the wind falling mismatched; so we toss again until in sheer randomness two of a kind may fall close enough to pair up. 4.8.17
wings (day 97)
wings of scarlet spread wide i hover over my intentions, following their flight, until i summon you 4.7.17
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