stay the course i steer my ship to calmer waters, past shallow shores, rocky inlets or choppy seas. steady, i go each turn growing sure of my navigation to my route ahead. 6.15.17
day 165
i dare not revel in the sun with its inconstant beauty fickle in its presence yet still demanding worship like the first flush of love which fades to soft admiration 6.14.17
day 164
the sun, like a fan dancer, hid away again, easing us with hope of dry days, reminding us of forgotten chores, but then, like a phantom, vanished again. 6.13.17
day 163
in your absence you stole her breath, her invincible self, bled. you ran to forget, to hide while i heard her scream for what she could not say 6.12.17
day 162
resplendent, my crimson lip, bitten. hair, sun streaked tomboy. body, strong sore tighten. 6.11.17
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