sleeping beauty, i await to rise from her chamber brushing sleep from her eyes, awaken bright from slumber. together, we journey forth seeking all we hope to find, return with treasures full and pockets now lightly lined. 8.6.17
day 217
my womb aches from future children i will never bear, feeling punished for unfulfilled, its disdain torments me in this change into the next phase of my plentiful life. 8.5.17 [Image Source]
day 216
forgotten sun, we miss your light just heat remains in the fog to weigh us down, slow our pace subdued, i rise amongst the mist portent of rain that longs to fall a baptismal of the sodden earth 8.4.17
day 215
adventures of the traveling son eager to leave the nest soon since you have come rising after little rest i let you go; send my love until you long for home a place you’ll always be part of no matter where you roam 8.3.17
day 213
you join me in the dance as if we began together i spin without losing balance, i swing strong in knowing you have my hand ready to reel me back in and sway longer still. 8.1.17
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