hidden moon, i feel your pull to don the mask; join the dance with dreams that masquerade the night, feelings hide behind jester smiles, all revealing their animal sides; questions poise on pointed toes so we spin unknowing where it will go… 8.15.17
day 227
i meander a hall with too many doors opening and closing, casting shadows, revealing light. i speak, words echo in the chambers, voice sounds hard when it feels soft. i remain, quiet for a while. 8.15.17
day 226
discontent lingers in the unmade bed of the weary self; the wine un-drunk. or dinner delayed, my gestures unmatched to the weight of your expectations. 8.14.17
day 225
an interloper, i enter like a warrior without her weapons i’m surrounded by all so very unfamiliar, shapes and shadows, that jar my uneasy breath until i am reminded by what i’ve come to trust. 8.13.17
day 224
i twist the soreness as i rise unwinding to the morning of lazy sun and spots of shade, an eager pup and sleepy kids, i rouse resolve to take the walk in the light, around the path, to begin my day in earnest. 8.12.17
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