day 238

all right now is potential suspended perfect possibility yet to arrive; so i savor as my mind dances through its meanderings between bright skies. dark clouds, and your steady hand grasping mine. 8.26.17

day 237

bustle of a friday morning, kids bedraggled by school, unfocused yet still alert; i hug the warmth of my coffee cup, counting the minutes until it’s time to go. 8.25.17

day 236

in dreams i travel to other countries, speaking languages i know and have yet to learn; flourishing in foreign lands, i drink in the differences, savor the similarities, and embrace all in between. 8.24.17

day 235

unearthed we shed the night’s debris incapable of meeting the day’s degree of intensity. 8.23.17

day 234

tongue tied whiskey wild i’ve imbibed to heal my throat apply a coat of slippery sleep i fall in deep. 8.22.17