Yesterday was the first Thanksgiving in over 10 years that I didn’t cook. I did contribute, of course, with Potato Stuffed Paratha and a cucumber raita, but I didn’t cook all day for a change. I was fine with not cooking because, if you follow this blog, you will know that I do my share …
Holding Down the Fort

Above: My high energy kids playing. No down time for me… It’s been nearly a month since I’ve returned from Santo Domingo. I came back late on March 24th and the next day was the beginning of Spring Break for my kids. Dive in… Three days after I got back my mom flew up North …
Life on High-Definition Video

Above: Dominican Republic carnival When I know I’m leaving for Santo Domingo, at first I feel a panic. Of course I’m thrilled to go, but to leave my kids is hard. They are still so young, so fragile, like tissue paper dolls, and they need my guidance, my defense, and the ferocity of my love. …
Self-Less versus Self-Sufficient

My ex taught me about being selfless, about considering the other over yourself, about being completely conscious of your effect on others. It’s not an American way to be. Americans put themselves first. We get our coffee before we give our kids breakfast; we tell our partners what we need from them instead of what …
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