Sugarcane and Magic

I wish I had more time to write. I have so many posts swirling in my head at all times. I write and rewrite them over and over in my mind but rarely do I have a moment I can sit down and compose them. Often I have to jot them in spurts on paper… …

Sex Across Borders

Above: Statues at a Karma Sutra Temple in India Here is my personal experience with the three different cultures. America Our founding fathers were Puritans whose religious beliefs were restrictive to say the least. Sex was viewed as a necessary evil for propagation but sinful for any other reason, certainly not something to be enjoyed. …

Occupy: Your Independence

I consider myself to be politically aware but not astute. It’s a conscious choice actually. Both my parents grew up in the 60’s, are very liberal and verbal about their views. I am liberal too but I try to stay on the sidelines, watch but don’t participate. My focus is on my family and the …

Access to Information = Freedom

I didn’t begin this post with the intention to write anything related 9/11, an event I was only a mile away from during that fateful day, witnessing the drama from my window before evacuating. I wanted to write a post about access to information but lo and behold, it’s really about freedom. The red tape …

Power of Prayer

On my flight to Santo Domingo I sat next to a very friendly young woman, still nearly a girl, who told me she was traveling with a group to do missionary work in the Dominican Republic. This was her second trip to the DR, the first being to the resort area of Punta Cana while …