When you are first diagnosed with cancer, you realize you are in for the fight of your life. Then come the treatments that can be very exhausting. When you are in such a serious fight, you will want all the weapons at your disposal. The doctors have done their part. But there are also some …
Healthy Eating is Learned Young

It’s very interesting to watch American television with my ex, especially us both having lived outside of the U.S. for so long. I see our culture as a foreigner. So what do I see? I see dramas filled with crimes, medical conditions and dysfunctional families. I see silly comedies where the characters are uncomfortable with …
Flu Fighter

As everyone knows, it is flu season. Many will go the traditional route and get a flu shot which is fine if that is what you prefer but I believe in the healing power of good food so I bucked the norm and chose not to get a flu shot for anyone in my family. …
Eat like a (healthy) kid and other perspectives

In my ongoing effort to slim down and be as healthy as possible, I’ve been working with a personal trainer the past month. As luck would have it, the trainer needed a website and I needed his services so it was a perfect fit. In addition to regular exercise, he has put me on a …
The Benefits of Cooking with Dried Pulses

I have decided to add a new section to the site under Food for Cooking Tips. I am not a professional chef by any means, nor do I claim to be an expert on nutrition. But I do cook food from scratch, exclusively, and have been for several years. It seems these days that we …