Food as an Expression of Love

The 14th was Valentine’s Day, when lovers old and new celebrated their love. Many celebrations included a special meal prepared by one lover for another. As an avid home cook, I subscribe to numerous cooking magazines and each one featured sumptuous recipes to woo with on Valentine’s Day. (I, on the other hand, didn’t cook …

Driving while Blindfolded

The holidays are happily behind us. It is not that I dislike the holidays. I enjoy them a great deal normally, but they are a frustrating delay when one has just moved and is in need of making money quickly. Everything gets put off until after the holidays — “Let’s just talk again in January.” …

Where Dreams Come From

Above: “Hood Angel”, Photo @ Eliza Alys Young dream [source] noun a succession of images, thoughts, or emotions passing through the mind during sleep the sleeping state in which this occurs an involuntary vision occurring to a person when awake an object seen in a dream a vision voluntarily indulged in while awake; daydream; reverie verb to have …

The Pearl of Discomfort

It is a familiar oddity of nature — the grain of sand that irritates the oyster, put it in a state of discomfort, and as a result, the oyster covers the sand with an iridescent coating over and over until the end result is a gorgeous pearl. In this day and age where we are …

A Few Achievable Adjustments (Not Resolutions) For 2012