day 340

at times i wonder if the definition of bliss is ignorance, freedom from worry, for now that i know what may befall me, in part i wish for  the ignorance to return, but i will wait for the time of freedom to arrive. 12.6.17 [Image Source]

day 339

when the goblins of our past take shape within us we must embrace our fate without enabling their negativity for while we recognize their presence, we do not welcome them, instead we build our strength to bid them leave. 12.5.17

day 338

a place of light unending color with transitions that bleed into one another until all sense of time is lost and the moment is all 12.4.17

day 337

thoughts mutate into a multitude of color i burst with their infinite beauty, their vibrations enters my bloodstream, to regulate the beat of my pulsating heart. 12.3.17

day 336

soak up the sun feeling heat, not a burn, jittery mind, awaiting conclusion. inevitable wait so steer my thoughts up to the shine, breath in the sky. 12.2.17