day 60

my fingertips graze a tempting fate to clutch or pass by is what i debate i’ve always been the one who gives who fixes wrongs and then forgives i ponder if it’s now my chance to be the one who leads the dance  3.1.17

day 59

sun rises over the marsh bathing it in amber glow what was once just brown and green is now overrun by color filling the air with the fragrance of spring’s blossoms; flocks of geese fly by in loud discussion while in nestled in The trees lives musical conversation all helping me to wake as i …

day 58

mornings no longer sting with the bite of winter the season surrenders to the inevitable spring flowers seem to burst in a multitude of shades dappling the landscape with newfound vibrancy the sun’s ascent signals the warmth yet to come 2.27.17

day 57

weave in the strands of all that’s untrue tucking them into the fabric of time; patch all the holes in my quilt of long living sewn from the joys, tears, and the pain. adorn myself in many dreams still worth dreaming comforted by all that is mine. 2.26.17

day 56

i collect the stones smooth round, shiny black to mark where i’ve been i gather the glass sand worn shimmering to show all i’ve seen 2.25.17