day 176

i rest in the valley of silence to build up my strength, savoring the lack of contact before entering again into the fray of the yes or no. 6.25.17

tigers (day 175)

tigers in cages pacing for release pressing their fur into the chain link fence, roaring their dominance, one over the other, demanding to be the first to feed. not so very different, observed from the observer, watching from a safe distance, marveling at their ferocity while harboring anger of their own at all different, separate, …

day 174

i have learned to stay calm, amidst the chaos of life as it swings like a pendulum from unbearable sadness to unencumbered joy from an ordered plan i follow to the disarray i try to contain i walk in the center and let the rest fall away. 6.22.17

day 173

the burden of rage is a gift i’ve been given, from a father too wounded to think of another. though, i have muffled, the anger inside me, i know i have given some of it too. we parents aren’t perfect, we feel all the pain of parents before us and our children again. i hope …

day 172

as i stand taller in the shoes i have chosen and embrace the self i have become, i walk without knowing where i am going but finally accepting from where i have come. 6.22.17