day 315

i breath in love its light floods my veins my respiration syncs to the beat of my heart, my eyes see the color each new day brings, a gift of possibility wrapped in the sun. 11.11.17

day 314

treasure of a quiet morning alarms are silent, movement slows children dream until weary fades as coffee brews, my ink flows rhythmic scratch of the pen as the words scar the page steaming cup waiting by when the rhymes have assuaged. 11.10.17

day 313

as morning slips in from slumber you flood my mind full of thought i wonder if we can attain a happiness so long sought as i rise with dreams of more coffee brews, i fill my cup for time to touch has not yet come desire, i must interrupt time has wings flying free i …

day 312

in between the cool and warm when the sun has risen yet lacks force all to come is being born in the stillness of morning strides before the mind pollutes with thought and urgency goads time i sip the solace of this hour, to fiddle with my daily rhyme. 11.8.17

day 311

i close my eyes to suspend detached from expectation floating gently above the earth without anticipation of when my toes will touch to merge with all creation. 11.7.17 [Image Source]