day 281

back on the mat feet grow roots into the floor shoulders soften, then open to the sky breath is audible reminding me of my place in earth’s cycle 10.8.17 [Image Source]

day 280

today i return to practice extend myself once more, waking too early for comfort; darkness urges me to reconsider the journey i have chosen. determined i gather my fuel, my comforts and my strength, then depart 10.7.17

day 279

a day past my celebration i collect the love while more pours in like the reddest rose blossoming in the darkest green i open to the joy as the rose to the sun drinking in its healing heat 10.6.17  

birthday (day 278)

each year i mark this day of birth when i found my way into the world so bright and sharp that i question my decision to emerge 10.5.17

day 277

i bid the words to come romp in the garden of my mind stubborn they resist to fill me up today 10.4.17